Tuesday, March 30, 2010
This could be a big day for us!
Right now we are getting ready to take Bryton to see the G.I. specialist about getting rid of this feeding tube. Over the weekend it got very irritated and it looked like it might have been getting infected so we have been keeping it very clean and avoiding irritation. It looks much better already, but since my mom is coming from CA in 3 days, it would just be wonderful to eliminate it today. I'll have more news in a few hours! Lets cross our fingers!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
We went to the Dr today . . . .

And I have to say, I really enjoyed it. Grandma Cathy came with us and we basically got to sit in a room with Bryton and 8 medical professionals and talk about how cute he is and how amazing he's doing. We thought that they would be doing an MRI just to get an image and see what everything looks like, but they don't think it's even necessary based on how incredibly well he's doing. He definitely has serious developmental delays, but other than that, he's amazing. He is healthy and we know that he is growing and learning. What more could we ask for? The weather is starting to improve up here in NYC so hopefully we will be able to make afternoon walks a daily fixture. Life is pretty good today.
Monday, March 8, 2010
We have internet!!!
Finally!!! We have a link to the outside world and this is the very first thing I am doing. Bryton is amazing! We are going to be getting rid of the feeding tube soon, hopefully before my Mom comes from CA for his birthday! He also is basically off oxygen. We have been working with the pediatrition, the pulmonologist, and cardiologist and it's only a matter of time before it's official. He is about 20 lbs now and he is still just growing and learning and amazing us every day. We haven't used the feeding tube at all basically and he is doing so well taking all of his bottles. He has teeth!!! He two front bottom teeth are making their way in and they are just so adorable. Thank goodness they don't seem to bother him a bit!!! Cookie has joined us and her and Bryton couldn't care less about eachother. Not what we were expecting. . . but it works. Over all we are doing really well up here. The weather was giving us quite a beat down for a while, but it looks like things are letting up. The 4 of us took a walk together the other day and it was just really nice to get out of the appartment and not go to a doctors appointment. So that's it in a nut shell. Now that we have our own reliable internet I promise to be on here everyday with updates. Yay internet!!!
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