I am sorry I haven't been able to post this week- for those of you that don't know, I am visiting my family back home in California until Thursday. It is a bittersweet week because while I am happy to see my friends and family, unfortunately the reason for my visit is so that I can spend time with my amazing Grandmother who has been struggeling medically since she had a stroke in Janurary. It has been a very long, rough road for her, but she is looking great and it is just to awesome to see her. It is a hard thing though, to go from being in the hospital with our son, just to visit another hospital. They are both strong fighters though and I am so proud of both of them. My grandma is still sassin me and giving me a hard time so I take that as a good sign. Bryton is having a really awesome week. He is doing really well on the vapo therm, however they have had to increase his oxygen from 25% to 35%. Other than that the only thing they have changed with him is an increase in his feeds- 24 mls an hour. Daddy is telling me that he is starting to smile and is working on a giggle and I am dieing to get back home and see him! I have to say it's so wonderful to be back here and to see first hand our CA support group. I have gone in to places and seen people that I haven't seen in years and everyone is just loving and praying for our little boy- it is really amazing. It means so much to have so many people that care enough to take time out of their lives to see what's going on in ours. It has not been an easy journey but having love like this makes all the difference. I'll put up pictures later tonight. Go Mama and Bryton!