The day Bryton was born, was nothing short of terrifying. We didn't have a clue what we were facing. All we knew was that we had to do everything we possibly could to love our son and get him through whatever came our way. And look at him now! We still have good days and not-so-good days, but lately he is just showing off with how awesome and handsome he is! He has been off of the vapo-therm for a few days now and he is doing great on regular nasal cannula. For the last couple of weeks they have been working on his bottle feeding and today they wanted to start bolus feeds- instead of being fed continuously or on for a couple hours and off for a couple hours they were going to start just giving him 3-4 oz every 4 hours and he has actually taken both of his last 2 feeds entirely by bottle so if he keeps this up and keeps making progress there is every chance that they'll be able to take out the feeding tube soon!!! It's hard to try and not get ahead of ourselves but we can't help but be hopeful and start looking forward to having our baby home with us! They haven't given us an actual date yet, but we are really hoping to have him home before Thanksgiving. We wont be able to back up to New York for quite a while, even after he's released from the hospital, but all that matters is having him with us. They say home is where the heart is- then home is going to be right here for a while. And that's just fine with us. So many people take for granted, and even can't stand some of the things that we can't wait for. We are so ready to wake up in the middle of the night to change a dirty diaper! Go Bryton!
Oh my gosh, he is just adorable and doing so well!!! Just wish we could meet him and give you all hugs!
Wow- great progress! Seems as if you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Go Bryton!
Jeremy & Rocky - what beautiful pics of your little angel - and a variety of clothing on the little guy :) I like that. Just adorable seeing Cathy holding her 1st grandson - I remember the 1st time I held my #1 grandchild - now I up to #6, so you guys will have to catch up after awhile !!!! So glad to hear and see how Bryton is growing and adjusting. He is truly a Miracle of God's and Bryton, as well as all of us are Special in God's Eyes. Let's give Thanks Unto the Lord for He is Good !!! You both and Bryton are in such good hands now - what amazing medical procedures and practices have taken place to help your little angel survive his speedy birth to see this world. Take care and know I have you in my thoughts and prayers. Love to each of you - Aunt Connie
Seems like he is making amazing progress!!! And loving the new pictures!!! we want to come visit again soon.. :) he is getting so big so fast!!
love- hus- and best wishes..
Janet & Heather
Dont forget, your always welcome in our home..we look forward to your visit
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