I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update. To be perfectly honest, I've kind of been avoiding it. I was hoping that if I held off for a few days that we might have better news to post for you, but it's just not so. Last Friday in the afternoon, Dr.Tuttle called us to let us know that Bryton had to be reintubated. He had a pretty severe episode of aspiration and there was no way around it. He is scheduled to have surgery next Tuesday. They are going to do a handful of procedures and hopefully we'll be able to put this all behind us in the very near future. We aren't even talking about discharging him anymore. Only God knows when that'll happen. At this point it seems to dad and I that he'd be ready to come off the vent right now, but they don't want to take him off it just to put him back on again in a few days for the surgery. We are very frustrated with this turn of events. It's like being at square one again. His nurse said to us "Well, they told you when he was born that this was going to be a long road." Yes. We know. But why don't you try on my shoes before you say that? We know that he is going to get past this just like the tons of other issues he's had to deal with. That doesn't make us any more comfortable or happy about the situation. We know he's strong. We know he's going to be alright. That doesn't mean we can't be upset about it, right? It just seems like we've had to put our relationship with him on hold for the time being because he is so heavily sedated and we don't want to hold him for fear of losing the ET tube. There are no plans to change anything this week. I'll be better about updating, I promise.
I'm sorry, this must be so frustrating. Hang in there.
Jeremy & Rocky, just being there for Bryton and rubbing his little hands, arms, leggs, head, talking calmy to him - that is the perfect medicine for Bryton's Spirt right now. For whatever reason, having this setback doesn't mean you have to be upset with his nursing care. Do you know how many babies have been at A.I Dupont with many medical conditions. I think you just find if very frustrating that you can not be the ones in charge of Bryton right now. So, just take a step back, calm yourselves first - have small talking sessions with Bryton - he needs to hear your voices - tell him positive things - tell him you love him and want the best for him, tell him that his nurses are very caring people, that you want him to rest and give his body rest. Please just talk within yourself to God, tell Him your needs, tell Him you have a hurting Spirit right now, and to come to you to give you comfort - ask God for a total healing for Bryton, from the hairs on his head to the soles of his feet, let Bryton know and hear you breathing, whisper to him in his ear - give his Spirit a soothing calmness when you talk to him - just create an environment of sweetness when you can. Yes, the nurses need to come and go about their business - but when they are done go back to being near Bryton. Does Bryton have a favoriate blanket or stuffed animal?? Try sleeping with it near you a few nights to give it the "smell of you" and then put it with and near him. Then take the item back with you for the night, do this as by now Bryton has picked up on the smell of Mommy and Daddy - then when you have to leave him, he will smell the familiar - so really, don't say you "have to put your relationship on hold with him". Be inventive, find ways to give Bryton yourselves. Love to each of you. Aunt Connie
Rocky it was nice to meet you today at Target. My family and my church family will be praying for you, Jeremy, and Bryton. As the book of Matthew says God has even numbered the hairs on our heads. He knows every sparrow that falls from the sky, how much more shall he care for his greatest creation!
As I said today the invitation for dinner stands as long as you need it and please let us know any other needs.
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