Life has been very busy here in DE- we can't stop playing with Bryton! He came off the ventilator 3 days ago and it has been such a wonderful time for all of us. They are weaning him off of all the sedation and he is finally able to be a baby! We were very hesitant and did a lot of thinking about and discussing the issue, but we are so glad that we chose to give him steroids to help with the swelling in his air way. We knew he was ready to come off the vent, but it is a miracle that he is doing so well. He is finally laughing and smiling and interacting with us the way we've been waiting for. We know that he is going to be a little behind developmentally, but really, who cares? We are going to get him all of the help we possibly can. He is happy and growing and not limited by that damn ventilator anymore!!! It's been a really awesome, special time for us. Now we just want to get him home.
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