I am so sorry. I know I have seriously neglected the blog and I feel terrible. Life just gets crazier and crazier around here! So basically, Bryton is just about ready to come home. It has been a wild few weeks but he is just to cool to let anything keep him down. He is getting all most no support with his oxygen at this point and it's like he just gets it all of a sudden. He has totally blossomed. This is not the same little boy anymore. He is a chunky 16.3 lb curious, very opinionated, amazing little boy. He has made tremendous progress with just about every thing. He has no problem holding his head up on his own anymore. He is always cooing and making beafutiful baby noises that we just can't get enough of. We even heard him laugh a few weeks ago!!! It is a dream come true to see our little boy doing so well. This has been an especially good couple of weeks for us. Last week while I was at work, one of the nursing students from Christiana that worked with Bryton came to my work and brought us a gorgeious Baby's First Christmas ornament engraved with " Small Miracles Happen ". It was such a surprise and it really means to much to us. How incredibly fortunate are we to have people like this in our lives? We left that hospital more than 6 months ago! Not to mention all of the amazing people that have helped us out here in Wilmington. You know who you are! We are spoiled. We have our amazing little boy, a great family, and awesome friends. It has been a long, hard road, but I wouldn't change anything about the last 8 months. We were here for a reason. This is a bittersweet time in our lives. Daddy has been up in NYC since Saturday starting the big appartment hunt so that we can take the next step in our life as a family and finally bring our son home. We are so happy and so excited to get back up to the big apple, but how could we not be sad about leaving the people that have helped us through this incredible journey we've been on? We have made so many new friends that we never expected to have. We are so fortunate. I promise I wont ever take this long to update again!!!
What an amazing journey you have all been on! Bryton looks wonderful, you sound ecstatic and the "Small Miracles Happen" says it all! What a beautiful Christmas gift.
How did little Bryton enjoy his very first Christmas??? Thinking of you! -Anne
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