Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So many Dr.'s to talk to!

Another Dr. just came to speak to me and when they did his blood tests, his hemoglobin level came back pretty low, so they're going to give him another blood transfusion just to help him out and keep him from getting to tired. Nothing to worry about. Pretty normal these days.


Unknown said...

Boy poor baby! Have they talked anymore bout the picc or the cvl? hang in there sweetheart! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

More pics! Pleeeeease!
Love ya!!!!

MOM said...

Hi baby, I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you I agree with your aunt nonnie, we need more pictures, let us see more of this handsome little guy. I know he must be changing daily. Just know the 3 of you are in my thoughts constantly, I love you all so much, and I cant wait for the day I get to come back and hold my little guy. Call me when you get the chance. I love you. MOM