Here we go again. Everything is fine, except for the face that his belly is HUGE! He literally just has really, really bad gas. He looks really out of proportion and very uncomfortable, but he seems to be doing o.k. All of his vital signs are good and he is taking breaths on his own. It's just really hard to see him like that. His belly is bigger than the rest of him by far. They took an x-ray just to be safe and said there is really nothing to worry about, he just needs it to all move along. They held off on his feeds for a few hours last night to give him some time, and then when they started again they went down from 18 mls to 16 mls so hopefully that will help. Other than that everything is going pretty well. He's doing good on his ventilator settings. It's amazing to see how much he's grown. 12 weeks yesterday. The longest 12 weeks of our lives. Grandma Cathy and Aunt Christy came up for Grandmas birthday on the 1st- we went out to dinner and visited with Bryton. It was a really good night- especially because the little mans belly wasn't so huge. Hopefully we'll start seeing some changes soon. Lets cross our fingers.
Hey! It was good to run into you the other day. I'm so glad I can now follow Bryton's journey from this site. If you want to see Milo, here is ours: http://web.me.com/cjfenley/Site/A_Beautiful_Collision.html if you ever want to come by 2B and visit, feel free! We're in room 9.
Jamie, Chad, and Milo
Hey Jeremy & Rocky - HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!
So sorry I could not come up with my 2 sisters - but the day before I didn't have such a good day so I wanted to stay close to home. We all three had planned to celebrate Cathy's "half century birthday" - sounds old, but not really. It will be here before you know it. (tee-hee) Anyway, it was so good to see both of you last week. I want to come up to see just how Bryton has grown. It is so hard to believe he is 12 weeks old already. MY HOW TIME FLIES.
Take care of yourselves and "sing" to Bryton!!!!
I still believe the melodies are so soothing to the Spirit. Love to each of you - Aunt Connie
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