What a day. It's definitely not the day we all expected/hoped for, but what can I say? He is here. He's making progress. What more could we ask for? The barium study he had earlier this week didn't show and strictures or blockages so the plan is to make sure that all of the barium passes through his system, and then to slowly start feeding him again and . . . wait and see. For now he's doing pretty well with his IV fluids. A little puffy, but no worse than before. 6 lbs 3 oz! We were also told today that it looks like he might have a tiny fracture in his arm because of a calcium deficiency, but it doesn't seem to bother him, and they aren't even 100% sure it's there. Other than that, all is well. We are very anxious to see what happens when they start feeding him again because it will pretty much help with everything and we can't wait to see him get rid of the ventilator. It is definitely a day for mixed emotions. It's so special to have been able to already spend so much time with Bryton, but at the same time, I can't help but think of how things could have been different. I just out right sucks to watch your baby struggle and have tons of tubes and machines plugged into him. We are going to be ok though. He is strong and resilient and this will all be over when he's ready.
Just dropping by because I (Heather) was anxiously awaiting you to put up a new post!! :) He is making progress and that is great! And his weight, he just keeps growing!! The pictures are my favorite, bryton is SO SO cute!!!
Keep Smiling :)
Love always
The Macklins
Hey Raquel,
I'm back at your grandparents home and looked up this site to see Bryton. I wanted to know how you were all doing. I dont have Gary's e-mail address with me, but my cell phone number is 206-650-1223. Call me at your earliest convenience.
I Love You and Miss You,
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