We have just been so busy over here I feel like I have no time to get on here anymore! Bryton is doing pretty awesome right now. Last week they did another barium study and it showes no strictures or blockages so they put in an ND tube- it totally bypasses the stomach and feeds directly into the duodenal. So far so good. He is pooping regularly and on his own and he is tolerating full feeds really well. With the ND tube there has to be a constant flow so that it doest clog and as of right now full feeds is 20 mls every hour. On Friday Dr.Tuttle had the tidal volume on the ventilator increased (it makes him takes deeper breaths) to make sure that his lungs are fully inflating and if all goes well they are going to start trying to wean him off of the ventilator. It is going to be a process, but we're excited that we're finally getting to that point. The little man has been enjoying hanging out in a bouncer chair lately- it's nice to get out of that bed.
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