It's not a bad day, but it's not a good day either. Little Man is still pooping and moving things through, but they have to regularly replace the hernia to help him out. They've been putting on his diaper a little differently so that it basically has a jock strap effect and it's seems to be helping quite a bit. This afternoon he was desating a lot so they've gone up on all of his ventilator settings, which is kind of a kick in the butt. He has been doing so well and we were really hoping to see him make some good progress in the next few weeks. He is scheduled for a bronschocopy next week so that they can get in and make sure that there is not structural damage to his air way and be able to judge the severity of inflammation. We are going to have a meeting with the neonatologist this week to discuss what's been going on and how we're going to move forward with his care. He is still hanging strong and even though things are getting bumpy right now- he is going to be great. He is so tough and he knows how loved he is- nothing is going to keep him down.
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