I don't know how he does it. He just never ceases to amaze us. They reduced the pressure support he's getting from the ventilator this morning and he's tolerating it really well. He is still pooping on his own- he hasn't had a suppository in a few days and he went twice today all on his own. This morning his bilirubin level was a little high again so they're starting him on a medication to help his liver move things along- the IV fluids just overload it so now that he's not on the IV anymore that should be resolved pretty quick. He is about 7 lbs and 3 oz now- he was a few ounces bigger last week, but now that he's off the IV fluids and he's still getting his lasix, so he's been able to get rid of a little of that water weight. That could also help with his breathing since fluid tends to accumulate around the lungs making it a little more difficult for him to breathe. We're gonna get there. Go Bryton!
Hey - I noticed you put one of the outfits I gave you on Bryton - and socks too. He is so, so cute and gaining wonderfully. Have a great week and play the baby music for his little spirit to enjoy. Hey, it gets boring just "laying on your back all day" !!!!!!!
Have a great week. Love, Aunt Connie
Things are sounding so upbeat today and he looks so adorable. Yeah Bryton!
I Know why Bryton is so awesome,it is because he has awesome parents.We will be at the RMH Sept 6.I hope you will be home by then ,but if not we will see you then.The Hardys Barbara,Patti,Joey and Lily
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