Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I just spoke with Dr.Tuttle and they have basically decided to give Bryton a more permanent feeding tube- a G tube. It's not actually permanent, but he will probably have it for 6 months to a year. They decided on the tube because he just doesn't have the stamina to take the thickened feedings. It's basically like trying to suck peanut butter out of a bottle for him. I don't know about you, but that would make me tired after a while too. The G tube will help with a few different things though. First of all, it wont irritate his air way and his moth as much- he doesn't act like it bothers him to much, but it does cause some extra irritation. Second, when they take the NG tube out of his stomach, it will allow the valve into the stomach to close more and help with his reflux/aspiration in general. Third, the G tube is in general a more stable alternative and it's something he could come home with. They haven't had a surgeon in to see him yet, but they're hoping to do it next week. They want to also repair his hernia and do his circumcision at the same time. It seems like a lot to do at once, but part of why I'm personally in favor of it is because the hernia and the circumcision need to be done anyway, and this way he wont have to be put under general anesthesia or re-intubated more than once. They can just do it all at one time and get it over with. I'm not exactly in favor of re-intubating him, but it should only be for a few days and it'll overall be a good thing for him. The hernia doesn't really hurt him, but it's not comfortable either, and with the changes the G tube will make, we'll hopefully be able to make more progress with his respiratory status in the generally near future. It's not what we were hoping for, but it could always be worse.


Jamie Fenley said...

Milo has a G-tube, it's not so bad! Is Dr.Reichard going to do the surgery? He's really great, he did Milo's. Hang in there guys, Bryton looks so great!

Caroline said...

Wow, what a brave little boy! Glad he's doing well.

You say the circumcision "needs to be done". Does it? The vast majority of circumcisions are cosmetic and elective on behalf of the parents.

Even in cases where a doctor will recommend circumcision, there are usually less invasive approaches that can be tried. See this short video with Dr. Dean Edell

"Circumcision: Making the Informed Choice"


Hannah said...

Hi Rocky, I saw the pictures of Bryton. He's so cute! I just wanted to say Hi & How are you doing? How is Bryton doing? I'm doing good. I hope I can see you soon. Bye. I love you & Bryton!