Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday, last night, and this morning have all been good for our little man. Yesterday Daddy was lucky enough to be the first one to clean Bryton poop! It wasn't exactly in the diaper yet, but we wont go in to to much detail! This morning his nurse said that everything is looking and sounding good, and that a cloudy substance was in his diaper, which very well could have been a blockage causing all of these bowel/feeding problems, so we are anxious to see if the attending doctor makes any changes during rounds this morning. As of last night, he was 1080 grams which = 2 lbs and a little more than 6 oz !!! In 8 oz he'll have doubled his birthweight! It's so amazing to see the progress he's made in these 7 weeks, but especially more recently. As they continue to add calories and fats to his IV fluids, he continues to make tremendous progress. We, and the doctors/nurses, are equally impressed with how well he's doing, not to mention incredibly happy, humbled, and excited. He makes everything look so easy, and if he can do what he's done, there is nothing we can't do. Daddy and I will be starting our new jobs soon, and we cannot wait to start getting ready for our little miracle to come home. We realize that we are in for an even bigger lifestyle change when he is with us, but we welcome it with open arms. You can never truly understand or appreciate the joys of being a parent until you experience it yourself, and we know that it's not all sunshine, giggles and bubbles and all the fun, cute stuff, but having our son with us is all that matters. This whole situation has put an entirely new spin on parenting for us, but we are so looking forward to it. You have all been so amazing, and I cannot stress enough, how much all of everyones love, support, prayers, and kind words mean to us. We have been incredibly fortunate to have all of you, each other, and such an incredible little boy. When he comes home we know we are going to be limited in where we go, what we do and who we see, but we can't wait for you all to meet him. Thank you so much everyone. You are all awesome and very appreciated. Go Team Bryton!

1 comment:

cjfry said...

Good Morning, Jeremy & Rocky - what a wonderful website addition to read this morning. I am so greatful, first to God, to Bryton's support team of Doctors & Nurses, and the two of you for all that is being done to help Bryton be your "little mircle". I also appreciate your words, as I read them - seems like you both have had a few moments of reflection on "your adventure". Yes, life will be different with a little one in your household - but I am glad you are thinking about it now - I know you both will give of yourselves to Bryton, HE IS YOUR SPECIAL BOY, AND YOUR LITTLE ANGEL.

The news of his weight gain as well as his "just everyday good responses to his medications and vitals is just SUCH GREAT NEWS!!! I am also sure it will be good for both of you to get out of just being in the hospital setting and be working around everyday people. You have been in "an intense environment" these past 7 weeks - so it will be good and refreshing to be out and about with your new jobs. Take care & Love to your both - Aunt Connie