Tuesday, May 5, 2009

you win some, you lose some

Yesterday was definitely not Brytons best day. Our little guy went through a lot, but he's doing much better now. Yesterday he had another Echo and a chest x-ray because before they wean him off the dopamine they want to make sure his heart is functioning properly. He also had an obstruction series yesterday afternoon. Nothing has changed. The biggest issue last night was they found that there are bubbles in his left lung that are causing air to release into his abdomen- this caused pressure on his heart and made his heart rate drop so they had to go in manually and release the air and then when his heart rate still didn't come back up, they gave him epinephrin, which did the trick. The bubbles are just part of his prematurity and it's something that should go away but they will definitely be keeping a close eye on it for now. It was very hard to see him so distressed yesterday, but we know that they are just doing what they have to do to keep him with us. We knew this would not be easy, but we all have to be strong for him right now. I know it's hard on all of us, but just hang in there. He has already come so far, and as Robs' awesome Aunt Connie keeps telling us, we just have to " keep on keepin on". The best part of yesterday was that Daddy got a chance to hold Bryton in his hands for a minute! He held him up so the nurse could change the blanket that he peed on! It was an awesome moment for all of us. We can't always have good days, but these are moments to live for. They haven't done rounds yet this morning, but we are expecting a call when they get to him. We are going to stay at the hospital tonight, so I'll definitely be on later. Thanks everyone.

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