Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 1 month and Happy Mothers day!

As of yesterday our man was 1 month old! It was an awesome day for us. We are so proud of how well our little man is doing. 1 month was a really important milestone for us. We have been trying to take Brytons situation in stride and trying to stay strong for him and for eachother, but it has been really hard and we have our moments, and we are so lucky to have eachother, and all of you. We can't believe the way he has overcome one obstacle after another. Like Jaad said, someone has a big plan for such a little guy. He is doing as well as we could hope for and the Drs' are telling us nothing but good things. His bowel movements are imroving everyday and things are finally starting to move along. We had another head ultrasound and the unoffical report is that everything is looking good. We will know what the radiologist has to say tomorrow. Thank you everyone so much for the phone calls and beautiful cards- I couldn't have asked for a better first mothers day. I didn't get to see my little miracle today because of transportation, but I'm so excited to go see him tomorrow. Saturday morning in the NICU, March of Dimes did a Mothers Day brunch and our mothers day gift was a pillow case that says "Sweet Dreams Mommy" and we put Brytons foot prints on it. It was an awesome gift and I can't decide if I want to frame it or not when he come home. It's so nice to have something with his foot prints on it though. Thanks for all of your love everyone. It means so much and we hope you know how much we appreciate it. Happy 1 Month Birthday Bryton! And Happy Mothers Day mommies!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Mothers Day Sweetheart!!! He is absolutely beautiful!!! Love the pics!
Love Nonnie