Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just not time yet.

Bryton was fed 1 ml of breast milk at 3 this afternoon and he didn't tolerate it very well so they did another obstruction series this evening and they still aren't very happy with it. They did go up on the glucose and fats in his IV and his levels were a little out of whack yesterday but they have leveled out since then. Nothing else is different. He's at 40% oxygen and tolerating it just fine. Also, he is officially 2 lbs!!! Weighing in at 910 grams, we finally hit that milestone. Go Bryton!! Hopefully we'll know more in the morning.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey Rock,
Just stopped in to say Hi & tell you that we love & miss you bunches! We continue to keep you all in our thoughts & prayers! Kisses for Bryton!

Heather & Hannah