Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Almost there!!!

We are closing in on 2 lbs fast!!! As of last night our little hero was 1 lb 14 oz so we are almost there and almost ready to start with the Kangaroo care! We are sooo excited and we cannot wait to hold our little man!!! So we just got to the hospital and had a chance to speak with the resident. The official reading on the head ultra sound is the same as before- everything is looking as good as we could possibly hope for. The bleeding is resolving itself really well and it really looks like not much damage was done. Only time will tell though. We know that we will only really know what we're looking at when we start making and missing milestones. He has a little fluid in/around his lungs so they're going to be giving him a dose of lasix to help with that. The major concern right now is that not much has changed in his bowel. There is still a large area of bowel with a pocket of air that isn't moving properly. There is a little bit of movement, but there might be as blockage or a stricture that isn't allowing the air to pass. They are going to hold off on feeding him today and wait and see if anything changes by tomorrow morning. It is however a good sign that he's not "acting sick" - his heart rate, blood pressure, and ventilator settings are all pretty normal and in a good range. It's back to wait and see. Lets just keep the prayers and happy thoughts coming everyone. They have helped us get this far and he needs as much love and support as we can give him. We are staying at the hospital tonight so if anything changes, you'll know.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations Rocky on the 1 month milestone, good reports, Mother's Day and Bryton almost reaching 2 pounds!!!!! We have been away for 10 days and the thing I missed the most was keeping current with Bryton's blog!I am so excited to see the new pictures, esp your first family portrait. It sounds like each day is still wrought with ups and downs, but more ups than downs. Yeah! You are amazing and I look forward to meeting Bryton some day. Anne