Thursday, May 7, 2009

closing in on 2 lbs!!

Our buddy is doing really well today! Bryton is weighing in at 800 grams=1 lb 13 oz and he is getting stronger by the day and putting on weight consistantley. The doctors would like to start feeding him pretty soon and they say he will be putting on weight fast once he starts with the breast milk,and we are sure he cant wait for that!! Lets keep the prayers coming because buddy is doing great!! More good news to come!!!!


Unknown said...

Thats our guy!!!! Great news Baby!!! He is beautiful and I cant wait to meet him! Lots of prayers!
Love Nonnie

cjfry said...

Hi Jeremy, Hi Rocky - so nice to read all the details of Bryton's week - day by day. This is the 1st chance I have gotten to read the website since last week. I love that you have posted some new pictures of your little angel.
Your family picture is so precious - It is great to read that both of you are now interacting with little Bryton - I am sure his little spirit is hearing your spoken words to him as well as the softness of your hands as you caress his little body. Please remember to "keep on keeping on" - one day at a time. Love to all of you - Jeremy's Aunt Connie