Saturday, May 16, 2009

Holding Bryton . . .

I got to hold Bryton today!! Daddy is next!! It was so amazing to finally hold him and feel him breathe and wiggle around! He handled it really well and Daddy and I both were enjoying the time with him out of the incubator. The nurse put an adorable little blue beanie on him to help keep his head warm. It was a really awesome experience for all of us and it went very smoothly. We have to sit in the chair right next to the bed and while one nurse picks him up and moves him to whichever one of us is going to be holding him, the other holds onto all of the tubes and cables and brings them over with Bryton and then she tapes the tubes to our arm and they help get him all situated and comfortable and then is just our time together.  This is most definitely one of the best days of my life and I will remember it always. Even the nurses were excited for us because they know how long we've been wanting to hold him, but we just had to wait till the time was right. We had agreed to wait until the replogle tube came out and he weighed 2 lbs, but it just didn't work out that way. The tube came out last week, and last night when he was weighed he was 900 grams, but 907 is officially 2 lbs so we asked if they could weigh him again this morning, and he actually went down to 830 because he's been urinating so much, but we decided to just finally do it. We were so tired of waiting, and everyone talks about how good it can be for both him and us- it just seemed silly to wait any longer. And we are so glad we decided to do it! Only one of us allowed to hold him a day, so we are going to take turns  and Daddy was awesome enough to let me go first. It was just so amazing! I am still excited! Now we can't wait to get Daddy in that chair! As long as he is doing ok, we can hold him for as long as we want which is really nice. I only got to hold him for about 30 minutes because of our transportation situation, but next time we will be more prepared. Not much has changed otherwise. His belly is a little less distended and it's not very hard so they are still keeping an eye on it, but it's not a source of serious concern right now and everything else is looking good. Thanks for all your love everyone. You are the best.


Candace said...

We are all so happy for you guys! I'm sure he has been waiting for this moment as much as you have! Safe and happy in moms arms. This was the first many moments he will spend in your arms! We love you guys. Love Candace and the Sanger chapter of team Bryton!

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! He looks perfectly content as do you, Rocky. What a special day for all three of you. Here's to MANY more!

Jaad Bennett said...

aww! I'm so happy for you rocky!

Unknown said...

These are the most beautiful pics in the world!!! I am so happy for you honey! You look so right! you know?!!! I love you sweetheart!