Monday, May 18, 2009

Not today

Daddy didn't get a chance to hold Bryton today because he was in the middle of a blood transfusion when we got here and the nurse said it probably wasn't a good idea to mess right now. Tomorrow is another day though, and we are crossing our fingers that we will be good to go then. The little man got an eye exam today and all they had to say was that his retinas are premature which is how it should be. Also, we are definitely making progress in the bowel area. His nurses have all noticed meconium in his diapers, better bowel sounds, and when they change his diapers it is notable that he is trying to push. Overall, it was a pretty good day for all of us. We didn't get to hang out with the man for very long, but we'll take what we can get.

1 comment:

cjfry said...

Happy Tuesday morning to both of you !!!! And what a HAPPY DAY IT IS. I had "tears of joy" seeing Rocky holding Angel Bryton - what a great picture it was. Jeremy, you were so kind in letting Rocky be 1st to hold dear Bryton. Maybe by the time this comment posts to your website, you will have gotten a chance to hold Bryton also. Sounds like Bryton is making such strides in his growth!!!! I only wished I lived closer to the hospital up in Newark, so I could just be there to get both of you back and forth for your hospital visits and your errands. Wishing you both to have a Special Blessed Day with Bryton - I love your detailed postings on how Bryton is doing. Love to all, Jeremy's Aunt Connie