Friday, May 29, 2009


So they gave him the extra dose of lasix and everything has been going great since then. There have still been no other changes made and he is just wonderful and awesome as usual. He looks so good! He is getting chubby and all filled out and he looks so good, it's amazing! They don't plan on making any changes tonight, but he will be getting weighed later, so I'll be back on to let you all know how he's doing. Go Bryton!

1 comment:

MOM said...

He is so beautiful!!! Little chubby guy!!! Tell him his mama will be coming real soon to hold him. Remind him daily he is mama's not papa's. Need to make sure we get that in him early!! I love all of you guys so much. And you are my heros! I don't know anyone who has endured so much and you need to know how proud of the two of you I am and how much I love you. And the little man too!!! talk to you soon love mom.