It has been a pretty good day for our little man today. He is up to and tolerating full feeds and off of the IV fluids. He pooped twice and is doing well on the ventilator settings. His PIC line came out today so he officially has no IVs or any tubes other than the ET and OG tubes through his mouth into his lungs and belly. It's amazing to see the way he progressed and he went from having a ton lines and tubes connected, and now there are none. He is looking a little puffy again, but not nearly as bad as the 1st time. Tomorrow we might be able to help give him a real bath! It's not a sure thing yet, but we are excited anyway. It is weird to look at a basin a little bigger and taller than a phone book, and know that it's a full sized bath tub to that little boy! I can't believe it's almost been 3 months! What an awesome journey. And we are still just beginning!