Friday, June 19, 2009

Bryton is still Rockin'

Everything has been going really well with our little miracle. He continues to make progress everyday. He is up to 6 mls an hour now and on pretty low ventilator settings, so we are hoping that actually might be gone in the somewhat near future. He is pooping pretty regularly, which is really awesome. Mommy and Daddy finally have our own transportation so going to spend time with Bryton is easier than ever. Overall, we're doing pretty good. Thanks for everything everyone.

1 comment:

cjfry said...

Dear Jeremy - HAPPY 1ST FATHER'S DAY TO YOU !!!!
Just wanted to wish you a Great Day with Bryton. I can see the swelling in his face has gone down quite a bit - I really think he looks like you!

Many happy days ahead - Love Aunt Connie