The little man continues to make progress and make his parents proud. They have already increased his feeds from 1ml every hour, to 3 mls every hour and he's tolerating it just fine. They gave him a suppository last night, and also started him on an anti-seizure which helps with the way the nerves in the bowel fire, to help move things along and he's handling it like a champ. He already had a good sized poop last night and this afternoon. We are so excited that they have been able to come down on his ventilator settings and he is doing great- they have come down to a rate of 22 bpm. In order for them to try to take him off the ventilator he has to be between a rate of 10 - 20 bpm so we are really happy about that. He still has a little puffiness in his face, but not nearly as much as he did a few weeks ago, and he is looking more like his handsome little self.
I cant wait to meet my awesome Nephew!!!! yaeh Bryton!!! Keep it up!!! Love you sweetheart!!! XOXOXO!
Hey Jeremy & Rocky - what wonderful pictures of Bryton. And - Jeremy, did you take the lovely picture of Miss Racquel????
Let's talk about that picture - Rocky, this picture is beautiful of you. I "double-clicked" to make it larger and you have the most beautiful eyes - and such a wonderful and really beautiful smile. You look so content holding your Bryton!!!! You are really very, very pretty, and the picture captures your eyes looking just above your glasses. You are very photografic!!! Ok, enough of that - your head will just expand with all those remarks till you can't get it thru the door. (ha, ha)
So glad you are holding onto your little angel. Maybe Jeremy can consider printing this photo and framing it - it is just so, so great. Anyway, hope each day brings more joy to your spirits as little Bryton is making leaps & bounds. Take care, will write later. Love to all - Aunt Connie
he is sooo cute! and big! but still tiny. haha.
I'm so happy for you rocky :)
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