Thursday, June 4, 2009

A big day today.

Bryton was a very busy little man today. He was moved from Christiana to A.I. duPont at about 4:45 this morning and everything went well. It's not his favorite thing to be moved, but he handled it like a champ as usual. He had a baby gram this morning, and they did the first part of a two part barium study. They did the study on the  big intestine this morning, and they'll do the upper intestine in the morning, so we should have the results of both by tomorrow afternoon. The facilities are nice, but we are sad to say goodbye to the Christiana NICU staff- they are amazing. We were lucky enough to run into two of our favorite people at A.I duPont this evening. It's just going to take some adjusting- for all of us. We are happy that he's so close though- it's very comforting to know that we can go see him anytime. Other than moving him, there haven't been any changes. He is up to 1490 grams, but part of that may be water retention, because he does seem a little puffy. He's still the most handsome little man ever though! We're going to get in as soon as we can tomorrow, so we'll keep you posted. Good night everyone! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!!!! I miss Bryton and you guys!!!! How is he doing??? Please keep me updated!!!! Can you give me your cell numbers so I can textor call you ??? Mine is 3022189754..Please let me know how he is doing!!!! Love, Vivian