Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bryton is even more awesome.

It has been a good night and a good day for everyone. Last night the little man was de-sating a bit so he's back up to 42% oxygen, but he's doing great now- very stable. Nothing else has changed. We have decided to go ahead and move him to A.I duPont this afternoon. Daddy and I went over to check out the facilities last night and we're very happy with them. It's a beautiful hospital and it's definitely more geared toward children and families, not that Bryton will notice. He is most likely going to have his own room, but there's a chance that he'll have to share with one other baby, and we might even get lucky and have a room with a view. We had a chance to take a tour of the entire NICU with one of the head nurses and learned about all of the policies and procedures. It's a lot like where we are now, just a few small changes. We are so excited to have him close to us- he is literally going to be across the street and we can visit him any time we want without having to rely on the volunteers or the shuttle. We have already been over to see him at Chrisitana this morning, but we're hoping that we'll be able to go see him this evening across the street. Lets all cross our fingers that the transport goes well and that in a few hours, he'll be closer to Mommy and Daddy. Go Bryton!

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