Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bryton continues to be awesome!

It has been a few good few days for the little man. His puffiness continues to decrease and he looks more and more like himself everyday. Last night while Mommy and Daddy were visiting with him we got a chance to spend some time with him while he was very awake and alert. He loves to look around and observe and he makes lots of funny faces. His eyes are still very premature so he doesn't see us so well and he's still working on controlling his eye movement, but he's made tremendous progress in that department. The barium is still moving through his GI tract, but very slowly. They haven't done rounds yet this morning so they might order another x-ray to see what's going on, and there are a few medical options to help get everything moving along. Also, he was two months old yesterday and due for his immunizations so they'll have to discuss that this morning as well. Other than that, things are looking good. He is sating fine, and the nurse assured me that he his very comfortable at the moment. Daddy and I will be going over to visit later, so more pics and info then. Have a great day everyone!

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