Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 1st Fathers Day!

He doesn't look comfortable at all . . . . ;-)

Daddy holding his first ever Fathers Day gift

What a day. Bryton and I are so fortunate to have Rob in our lives. He is an amazing father, and a wonderful man. I can honestly say that I could not ask for more. I have a beautiful, amazing son who makes me so proud, and humbled every single day- and his father is more than I ever dreamed of. Bryton is having a great day today- he is wearing clothes and doing well in room temperature. He is up to 7 mls an hour and tolerating it fine. They tried to take him off of the ventilator and put him on the vapo-therm yesterday for about an hour, but he's just not ready yet. But now that he's tolerating being at room temperature, they're going to try to move him into a crib sometime this week. He's doing better than we could possibly hope for and we are so excited, and proud. Happy Fathers Day from us to all you Dads!

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