The last few days have been pretty rough on our little man, but he continues to take it like a champ. It seems that he has a mild infection in his right lung which has caused it to partially collapse. It's a little complicated, but because of the infection, they've stopped his feeds. Digesting food is the most energy consuming thing the body does, and he needs all the energy he has to fight this infection. So he is not being fed right now, he is on antibiotics, and he has already been given a blood transfusion to help him out. It is the hardest thing to watch him have to work so hard to do things we take for granted, but he is doing so well and we are so proud of and humbled by our little son. Thank you so much everyone, for all of your love and support- especially the last couple of days. We are just so used to him doing well and making progress, that it's especially hard when he has bad days. They are telling us that this is pretty common with preemies and that he is taking it all really well- he doesn't have as much energy as he usually does, but he's not a limp noodle either. It's kind of back to wait and see for now. The other day Uncle Casey and Aunt Lindsey got a chance to come meet Bryton for the first time- It's so nice to have people in the family that are on the same level. It's one thing to meet other people in The House and at the Hospital that are going through things, but it's just different. We finally got to meet Lily who is adorable and wonderful in so many ways. We can't wait for Bryton to "put on his big boy pants" and be able to play- as Lindsey says. It was a really good thing for all of us I think. Well that's all we have for now- you'll know if anything changes.
1 comment:
Just stopping in to see the latest update~ and although it isnt the best news, it is always nice that you guys stay so positive!! It seems like everything was going so well and now there is a bump in the road, but you will be through it in no time!!! Bryton looks cuter than ever in his little clothes!!! :) glad you had a wonderful fathers day!! Keep the updates coming, they are wonderful.
Love and much luck!!!
Heather, Janet, John & Johnny Macklin
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