Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bring on the chubby cheeks!!!

I just spoke to the nurse and our man is doing fine. He has lost weight since delivery - we started at 1 lb 7 oz and then he went down to 1 lb, but now we are at 1 lb 2 oz and since they are feeding him every 3 hours we should see some pretty good weight gain in the near future. It is a little unnerving to know that he was down to just 1 lb, but all of the Dr.'s and nurses assured us that it's totally normal- all babies lose weight after they come out of the womb, and it's usually just fluids they were holding in that they just don't need anymore. They did decrease his dopamine and it's looking good. His heart rate and urine output are where they want them to be and other than that, there's nothing new to tell. We are sill at the house. Daddy is resting and working on getting better and I am finally getting caught up on some laundry and cleaning up the room. Overall it's been an o.k. day. It really sucks that we wont actually be seeing our baby today, but we just really don't want to risk it with daddy having a fever. There's always tomorrow though. I am feeling great so even if he's not doing so hot, I will probably get myself cleaned up and go hang out with Bryton for at least a few hours. We hate to be away from him so much! Even the nurses started to tell us that we need to get out a little though, so it's a little break for all of us. More soon!

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