Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bye Bye Bilirubin!!!

We still haven't made it in to see our man yet, but we have some good news! They took off the lights! His bilirubin level is down to 3 so no more tanning bed for our baby. There is a chance that they'll have to put them back on, but that's not uncommon and it's good news for now! They still haven't done the echo, but it shouldn't be to long. If the results don't show anything abnormal with his PDA, they are going to start him on 1 ml of bank milk every hour and start working on those chubby cheeks we're waiting for. Go Bryton!!!!


Papa and Mama said...

Go Bryton, time for shade, good job, great news! We love you!

With Love, Janet said...

Jeremey and Rockie
I hope that you are keeping Faith. Many, many weeks, year after year, I spent where you are praying for Wayney and talking to God. I was alone so many nights at the McDonald house while Sharon stayed with him in his room. I talked to God and never ask Why, I just prayed that he would Bless him and allow him to stay. Bryton is a beautiful gift from God and I pray the same prayer for him. I am proud of all the strong notes that I am reading from you Rockie, Although I have never met you, I love you because you are part of Jeremy's life too. You sound so full of positive energy and I like that. Jeremey know that I think of all of you every day and I hope that you are staying strong through all of this. Children are lent to us.. Gods gifts to us.. Bryton is not in the hands of just the medical field, but Gods first.. Please know that for every thing that is given and taken He has control. just like Grammy and my Mom. I still miss Mom so much that It has changed my whole life and there are so many things that I have tried to do to rid the pain and greif but it is there fresh all the time with me.. I know you know my feelings because you have always been so connected with people and their hearts, Your a good son, Jeremey. Know that Gods purpose for all of this may never be known, But I do know that right now he wants to see that you do not give up on him... Hang in there buddy and know that I will see you soon..
I love you all and I am happy for you and Rocky and my Love is with Bryton as well..always. He is a beautiful baby and I pray he continues to get stronger. xxoo
Love and Hugs,