Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Keep it up little man!

We had another good night. All of is levels are good and he's tolerating the milk well. Last night on his left foot, his second small toe started to turn black because of a lack of circulation, but the Dr examined him and said it would be ok and they put saran wrap around his feet to help with the blood flow. They said it's really not uncommon and it's caused by the line they have going into his belly. They are keeping a close eye on it, but there is nothing to be worried about. Labs will go out at about 8 this morning and we should know by 9am wether or not he'll have to go back under the lights. His heart rate settled down, it was between 160 and 188 all night which makes us feel much better. They are still going to check his caffeine levels because I have a feeling that's what was causing his high heart rate- he slowed down a little as the day went on so it was probably just wearing off as he metabolized it. So over all we're looking good. We haven't been able to get down to the hospital yet because we need to talk to one of the house employees and get definite answers about the shuttle situation, but I'm sure we'll have it figured out in no time. Thanks for all of your love guys. He knows he's got a whole fan club supporting him and waiting for him to get big and strong so we can all love and spoil him. Go Bryton! 

1 comment:

Candace said...

Awe Bryton is having his first wrap treatment! The Christiana NICU is also a nice spa!!