Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still here.

No test results yet. They are changing his fluid right now and they took out all of the potassium because it's been pretty high and increasing. He peed a little earlier but it wasn't enough to send to the lab so when they do all of his cares again at 9:30 tonight they will check on that. They did take out the umbilical line they had in there and now they are just keeping an eye on it for a while before they put him on his belly. It should help with his breathing and just make him more comfortable. They also started him on a very low dopamine drip which is supposed to help with his blood pressure and urine output- they explained to us that this will directly contribute to helping his kidney function. They also stopped with the breast milk for now until they figure out what's going on with his kidneys. I think I mentioned before that they would be giving him 1 ml of milk every hour, however I was wrong- they were actually giving him 1 ml every 6 hours. They will probably get that going again as soon as we have the kidney situation figured out. It's getting late but we will still have the results of both ultrasounds tonight. We just came back up from the cafeteria- we both needed a little caffeine. The nurse said it's o.k. for me to have one or two cups of regular caffeinated coffee a day, but I don't want to get to much in my system so I'm going half caf. for now. Everything else is pretty stable. He is moving around a little more and being a feisty little guy which we take as a good sign. We will be able to get into the room soon so we are both going to go in and take a nap and then come and hang out with him for a while. It's so nice to be able to be so close- we just have to walk down the hall to be with him. And as long as the room is available and we put our names on the list we can stay here as often as we'd like. We are going to try and stay here both friday and saturday nights because transportation to and from the House gets a little tricky on weekends because there are no volunteers and we'd rather not depend on a cab. As soon as we get the results I'll get them on here for you all. 

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