Monday, April 20, 2009

Running late today . . .

Sorry it took so long to update today. We had a weird morning. Bryton also had an interesting morning. When they did his cares this morning they noticed that his intubation tube was clogging so they took it out and re-intubated him. When they did this his heart rate dropped really low so they had to do a little compression to help him out. Also he isn't urinating the way he should be so they are going to up is dopamine which will help them get a urine sample to send to the labs to figure out why his sodium levels have been low, and they are going to give him a sodium supplement until they figure out what's going on there. They have done a couple of ultrasounds on his abdomen today and they've found that he's having a hard time digesting the milk so they have stopped the feedings for now and they'll be getting him calories through the IV. Other than that everything is fine. He doesn't tolerate his cares well, he really drops his heart rate so they have gone from doing his cares every 4 hours to doing them every 6 hours so they don't mess with him to much. He is stable again so we are happy about that. Since we didn't make it in to see him yesterday, we are going to stay at the hospital tonight. The next time he pees they're going to send in the sample so hopefully that will be sometime tonight and there should be more news later. 

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