Monday, April 27, 2009

Hello, Blue Eyes!!!!

He is opening his eyes! The right more than the left, but we can still see those gorgeous baby blues! They opened sometime last night, and we got to see them today! It's such an amazing thing to see. I promise I will get some pics asap! Everything is looking good with our man today. One of his blood cultures came back positive for the gram negative bacteria again, so that's not quite over, but he is dealing with it very well. He will be on antibiotics for at least another 10 days, and they will be keeping a close eye on it. They are happy that it's taking much longer to develop and show anything in the culture which means that there is less of the bacteria, and it's not as strong as it was initially. They backed off his dopamine from a 5 to a 3 and they are really happy with his urine output and kidney function. All of his levels are looking good and they aren't changing anything. They did do a head ultrasound on friday, and we had to wait till today to get an official reading, but it's looking great. There has been no additional bleeding, and it looks like the clot that's in there has decreased a little in size and is metabolizing back into his system. He isn't being fed right now because he basically just can't really tolerate it yet. He hasn't pooped in almost a week, and when they feed him, his belly gets distended and discolored. They did to an x-ray and it didn't show anything serious, just a little irritation and irregular bowel movement, which isn't abnormal at this age. So we are pretty happy right now. We are so excited to see those eyes! He has just had such a busy time lately, we really want to keep it calm and quiet around him. He looks exhausted.  But better than ever. He will get weighed tonight, so we are hoping to see some more weight. Pictures asap!


Candace said...

can't wait to see his baby blues! Love you guys

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! Go Bryton! Thats a boy!!!! Growing leaps and bounds!!! Little superman!!!! I cant wait to see the pics!!! Love you Sweetheart!!!