Saturday, April 18, 2009

Still doin good

We stayed at the hospital again last night. We got a little rest, but not much. Everything is still stable and looking good, nothing new to tell. His glucose levels are still fluctuating but it's nothing to worry about. We met with the neurologist this morning and she just kind of went over things with us again. There has been a tiny bit more bleeding on the right side of his brain, but nothing significant. They are going to continue to  monitor his head closely to make sure it doesn't change in size or shape at all, and the neurologist was happy with it. She did make sure to let us know that children with a grade 4 bleed do pretty uniformly have some kind of developmental problems in the long run, but there is no way to know yet what we're looking at. The left side of the brain mostly controls motor skills on the right side of the body so there is a chance of some sort of physical problem later on, wether he has a hard time walking or one side of his body is weaker than the other- there is no way to know. One thing they do keep reiterating to us is the fact that there are parts of the brain that haven't even developed enough to be damaged yet and it's very possible for other parts of the brain to compensate for some of the damage that has already been done. She also said that it's a good sign that he reacts to light and sound- however to much light and commotion do tend to stress him out so we want it to be calm, dark, and quiet- at least he is reacting to these things. It's nice to see him able to go from his back to his belly- he seems much more comfortable. Earlier he was all sprawled out on his back taking up as much room as possible in his little deluxe sweet. We are going into Milford today to get some more clothes and things from Cathy's house- but we don't want to be gone for more than 3 or 4 hours. We are so excited to see Cookie and Hugh!!! So at least things are stable for now. We are so happy with the progress our man is making. I'll let you all know more as soon as there is more to know.


Mom said...

Goodmorning my little family. I'm so happy to see that you finally got to hold him. Go Kangamoo!!! He needs to know you are there im sure he misses you. You are an awesome mom and you need to remember that. (Robs an awesome dad too!) You need to remember to get some rest, he will be up and running before you know it and you wont have time then!! Blow him kisses for me and tell him he is mamas baby! All my love to all of you. Mom

mom said...

Hi Rocky,its bubba i love your web site.I wish i were their.U are really cool.Sence i`ve thought about it i made u a card from the thing`s you gave us.U are #1 BIG LOVE FROM:BUBBA/NICK/NICKNAME:AJ