Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More news . . .

Dr. Tuttle just came and spoke to us during rounds, and despite the bacteria in his blood, she had nothing but good things to say. She said it is a really good sign that he has been so stable and the infection doesn't seem to be progressing at all. The infection is being caused by bacteria that normally lives in the GI tract, but because he's so premature and his immune system isn't fully developed yet, the bacteria was able to cross that boundary and move into his blood stream. It's really not as bad as it sounds, and they already started treating him with antibiotics yesterday as a preventative measure, and will continue that treatment for probably the next two weeks. They are also going to get a sample of his spinal fluid just to make sure that it hasn't spread anywhere else, but she is pretty confident that he is going to pull through this just fine, and so are we. It is amazing how much of a difference 3 oz can make, but between that and the way his skin is developing, he really looks so much better. We can't wait to so what kind of progress he will make in the next few weeks. We are going to be here for most of the day so I'll be sure to update more later if anything changes.


Candace said...

good to hear the Dr.s know that he is a fighter. Go Bryton

Unknown said...

Sounds good sweetheart! Let us know when you get the results back! Go Bryton Yeah Mom and Dad!
Love you all!!!