Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just spoke to the Dr. . . . .

I spoke to one of the residents a little while ago and not much has changed. They backed off on his dopamine a little so his hard rate went down a little, but no more than they expected it to and not enough to be worried about. His last 2 blood cultures came back negative for the bacteria, and if the 3rd one comes back negative tomorrow, they'll be taking him off of one of the antibiotics. Also, his spinal culture came back negative and everything is looking good respiratory wise. They did stop his feedings again because his belly became a little distended and bile was coming up in his feeding tube, so they did an abdominal ultrasound just to be safe, but we don't have the results yet. The resident said it's probably just a sign that he's not ready to tolerate breast milk, but they are continuing with his electrolytes and calories, and he'll be getting more fats and lipids tonight. Also they'll be weighing him tonight, so we're hoping for a few more oz on the little guy. Everything else is pretty stable and in good condition right now, so we're pretty happy. I'll be back on when we get the results from the ultrasound.

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