Monday, April 20, 2009

Finally made it!!!

He looks so good today! His skin looks sooo much better and he hasn't been weighed yet today, but he looks like he might have put on at least a little weight. When he breathes, you don't see his ribs anymore. They do have his oxygen all the way up to 40% which concerns us, and they said that when they do his cares, he is continuing to drop his heart rate extremely low, which we don't like at all, but they said it's probably that he is just tired from working so hard. It has been a long 11 days. He is also on a sodium drip right now, and they're going to pay close attention to that. We just really need all the prayers and positive thoughts we can get right now- we know that it is a lot to ask for him to work so hard just to be here, but we love him so much and want him to have every chance we can give him. Thank you so much for all of you love and support everyone. It means so much to us and we really need it right now. Bryton really needs it right now. I really want to work on the Kangaroo Care, but I just don't think this is the time for it. The nurse said that his heart rate drops practically the second they open the hand doors, so I don't want to mess with it just yet. I hope he just needs to rest. I'll be sure to update again later if anything changes. Thanks everyone!!!


Candace said...

Team Bryton is on full swing, we are all pulling for you little man. I know cares suck but every one just needs to check on you. They are trying to bug u less and less. Keep up the good work and Mommy will be able to hold you for a few hours each day. Lots of love to Bryton from the team, Sanger chapter!

Mom said...

Hey sweetheart, sounds like it is a rough day. Thats what parenthood is like. You have good days and you have bad days,remember the one mother I met who was taking her baby home said that the babies just get tired some times. That they work so hard that their little bodies struggle. They do real well one day, and the next they don't. It is hard work being such a little guy. Prayers are going out all over this side of the county and you are all loved so much, hang in there and get that Kangaroo care going as soon as you can. I just know in my heart that the little guy misses you and is wondering were you are. Blow him kisses for me, and tell him mama is waiting to hold him and love him, remind him that he is mama's boy (not papa's). Call me when you have some time. I love you, MOM

Unknown said...

Rocky, today sounds like it's been a very emotional day for all of you. Bryton has had a lot of procedures to his little body with the intubating and ultrsounds and is probably quite stressed. Hopefully, tomorrow he'll be better rested, less stressed and then his body won't have to work so hard. And hopefully, tomorrow will be a sunnier day for you as well. We are thinking of you constantly and wishing you the best of everything. Anne & Larry