Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today we do have a couple of concerns. His kidneys aren't exactly failing, but they aren't doing what they are supposed to do which is why he isn't urinating the way they want him to. They already did a renal ultrasound of his kidneys and we should have the results in a few hours. A couple of things they're doing to help determine what's going on include a few changes in what fluids he's receiving and they also gave him a small amount of blood. Another major concern right now is a pretty drastic drop in his blood platelet and hemoglobin levels which means there might be some more bleeding in his brain so they have already ordered another head ultrasound which should be happening pretty quickly. They are definitely concerned, but it's nothing to panic about. We knew that there would be some good days and some bad days, but just because today isn't as good as yesterday doesn't mean it's bad. He is a strong little man and all we can do for now is continue to love and support him and let him know that we are all out here rootin for him. Rob and I are going to go ahead and just stay here at the hospital tonight so we can be close to him and see him whenever we want. As soon as we get some results I'll post them for you. Just keep praying and loving our man. Thanks everyone.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Bryton is strong, and he is a fighter. We all love you guys soooooooo much. He is being prayed for by thousands. Today was was not as good of day and that will happen. Never give up hope.