Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More pics . . .

We just did his cares and everything is looking good. The little booger is already trying to get his hands down his pants when I change his diaper! Men!!! He is back up to 640 grams, about 1 lb 6 1/2 oz! The resident came and told me that they are going to take him off of one of the antibiotics because the Disease Control Specialist said that it's just not necessary at this point. He will however continue on the other antibiotic and the anti-fungal for the next 8 days. Go Bryton!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OOOOOHHHH My GOOOOOODNESS!!!! He is Beautiful!!!My sweetheart! I love you all Can't wait to come out there!!! I just want to squish him! lol he is so precious!!! Love you sweetie! Please call me!
Love Nonnie