Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Off to a good start . . .

Everything is looking good this morning. He still has the IV in his scalp which I'm not sure either of us wants to see. The blood culture they took yesterday already came back positive for bacteria, which we expected, and they are going to do another one today. The spinal tap isn't showing anything yet, and that we're happy about- we DO NOT want meningitis. Who does? He is still on the dopamine so his urine output and heart rate are good and he is obviously still on the antibiotics. Last night he did drop his heart rate, but they're not to worried about it because he is probably just really tired. I'm not sure if I mentioned this yet, but the residents decided that he should only get cares every 6 hours instead of 4 because it seemed little to much stimulation and not enough rest for our man. It's hard being little. Oh! And, his umbilical cord fell off on Sunday. I wanted to save it, but it was just too small. You can barely see his belly button! I asked and they said it will look perfectly normal when he gets bigger. So we are pretty happy with everything for right now. We are all hanging in there the best we can. We are so proud of Bryton. I can't believe  he will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! We will be going into the hospital a little later today, but we do have some things to take care of, so I'm not sure exactly when we'll get there. The sooner, the better. Go Bryton!


cjfry said...

Good Morning Jeremy and Rocky. I appreciate very much your keeping us updated on how your "Little Angel" is progressing. I am sure it is so exhausting not only checking on Bryton each day, but also writing for this website as to how Bryton is progressing. So it is important that both you and Rocky get your rest and eat your veggies !! Both of you are Bryton's support team - with challanges to face each day. I pray that both of you will be able to give Bryton some "physical time" not only for him to feel your special touches to his body, but as you begin to talk with him just about anything or even sing him a little song - his spirit will begin to know your voices and hear your heartbeats. Bryton was in a hurry to just get down here on Earth and check it all out - so he needs your caresses. Both of you take care and have a good day. Love to the 3 of you - Aunt Connie

Unknown said...

Did they say if it was gonna be an inny or an outie????? lol glad to hear our little guy is doing well he probably doesn't feel the IV at all there isn't as many nerve endings on your head, imagine that! Get your stuff done sweetheart and don't forget to take care of yourself too!!!I love you all,