Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some Good, Some not so good.

He is doing much better with not dropping his heart rate when they do his cares. Yesterday and the day before it was getting as low as 40 something and 70 something, but the lowest it has been since last night is 128 and 137 which is much, much better. Yesterday they sent a blood culture into the lab and they did find some bacteria, but they are already giving him antibiotics and his nurse said they'll continue to monitor that closely and they will probably keep him on the antibiotics for another week, just to be safe. She also mentioned that the bacteria could have been what was causing to drop his heart rate so dramatically because it basically just makes him tired and not feel well- just like if you or I were to be sick. He did put on weight though! He was 510 grams (1 lb 2 oz) on Sunday, and today he is 600 grams (1 lb 5 oz)!!! It is a pretty dramatic jump, so one of the residents is going to take a look at his feet and the area around his testes because he might be retaining some extra fluid, in which case they would give him a diuretic to help him pee it out because the added pressure can make it harder for him to breathe, but it looks like he's breathing just fine. This morning I made it in to see him just in time to watch the nurse change his bedding that he peed all over! It was a lot of pee for such a little man! Plus a soaking wet diaper! We will probably be here for most of the day, and one of the Dr.'s is supposed to talk to us at some point, so I'll let you know what's up.


mom said...

hi rocky,did u like my message?well if you did that`s cool.i love u so much iwish i could be over there.Is Bryton doing good?well i hope he is. love,nick/aj/bubba!!!!!

Mom said...

Hi it's sam.I want to let you know that I made a card for you and bryton.I got some good grades and bad grades.I hope it's going well with Bryton.P.s.my scar is healing up. Love you Sam

cjfry said...

Good Morning Jeremy & Rocky. Let me say 1st, it was so nice to finally meet you in person Rocky. I enjoyed my little visit with you up in Christiana Hospital. I loved meeting God's Little Angel, Bryton King Hamilton !!! He is just the tinyest, most precious little baby boy. I want you to know that all 3 of you are in my thought & prayers each and every day. In the Bible, God's words to us are "that we are wonderfully made" and "that each hair on our heads has been counted by Him". We are all precious to Him. I pray for our Lord to Bless Bryton from the "top of his tiny head to the bottom of his tiny toes". The Lord tell us that when 2 or more are gathered in His Name, He is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. Take joy in knowing that Christ's Spirit is around you both and right there beside Bryton as he continues growing strong ever day. Expressions of love to the 3 of you come in many forms. In your circle of family & friends, love will be expressed spiritualy, emotionally, and physically. Take hold of it all, ponder it in your hearts and know that your LIttle Angel is in good hands and I pray for the Lord to give direction to all his Doctors and Nurses and knowledge so that little Bryton will receive the best care. God Bless the 3 of you and Love to you - Aunt Connie, Milford, Delaware

Unknown said...

Way to go Wizzer!!! Keep up the good work! Love you Bryton!